Our l'il Surprise B'day Party for Tiffany [ the Birthday Girl ] was thwarted by the woman herself... She kinda pang-seh Denise, which she was kinda supposed to meet alone for Dinner, which she claims that she didn't have any plans after... But instead she decided to call up her bunch of friends, including Kejun for her own Jap dinner... Not that she knew a bunch of IAD people were waiting out at Ajisen Restaurant at Bugis to ambush her... All the same, we trotted over to some Point building at Beach Rd to 'surprise' her. Lesson learnt... Never plan 'Surprise Party' for Tiff ever again... Hee... Kiddin'! Oh ya... To add... It seems that going out with Dee on a rainy day is potentially Dangerous... For the fact that either she might... I say... MIGHT huh... Slip and fall... [ and perhaps watch her handbag do a slow-motion dip... again... ] or someone else might just do the same... Less the handbag... Last night, CJ nearly did the cake in when he was walking infront of Dee... And we were all sort of more concerned with Tiff's cake... Tsk tsk... Dee next time... Must check weather-forecast first ok? Hee... Kiddin'! PEACE!

What. The pathways were damn slippery lor! Lucky CJ didnt fall man..... poor cake. From 4 Leaves somemore.
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