Slumber party update No. 03
ARGH! I accidentally erased all my rantings!
Anyway, I too lazy to type everything again. So here's all that was written in short.
Thanks for making this slumber party happen... It was smashing. Addi thanks for bring the games and movies over. Lena for helping with the frames. Joey for being the official photographer and for the butter prawns. [ Ok... Radioactive materials was involved in it's preparation. So if she's cookin' for you. Just be careful ok? Jeff... You be careful ok? Just don't die. ] Jason Chee thanks for the cake, it was really sweet, and for helping with the groceries. Jason Neo, thanks for being such a laugh and for getting your beautiful butt over... Away from work for once... Daniel, thanks for being here to subdue our Ah Neo [ Now official labelled as our William Hung. Don't worry Ah Neo, we love you still all the same. She BANGs!!! She BANGs!!! ]
Ok, going to catch some beauty sleep, will be heading out to see the fireworks later... Ciao ciao!
Shen out!