Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Are we all truly happy with our lives? - Past, Present & Future...

I'm sitting here infront of the com after lunch, before I go to collect the project from Peter Tay... [Finally! ARGH!]

And I was thinking... What is happiness to me? Was there ever a day that I had been truly happy, with a worry or woe... Sigh. Every step I take is a move in my constant search for that. Do we all look for it... Find it... Only to learn that it will fleet away after a short while... Until we find or catch up with it again.

Will be thinking about the answer... Write back later when I get home.

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Groupie shot! Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Cha Cha & Me! Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Nic saves then day and puts an end to our misery by breaking in halfway... Well, after a long way through the speech that Pam was making. YEAH!!! Yum-seng!!! Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Serene tries to look interested whilst Kelvin's attention slips away from Pam's extended yadder... Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Pam proposing a toast... [ Imagine collective groans from the table... I'm serious! ] Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Kelvin devouring his cake... Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Birthday boy with his cake... Pam got it... along with that "Vege" card... Hmm... Long story... Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Kelvin & Serene with Cha Cha. Posted by Picasa

Kelvin's B'day at MOMO | Sipping juice at the patio, before we tucked in to the Pizza! Posted by Picasa