Friday, April 29, 2005

The nails have been seperated... TADA!!! I am a genius! Hee hee hee... Peace! Posted by Hello

The nails intertwined together... Psst... It take a lot of IQ to get them seperated ok? Hee hee hee... Posted by Hello

Mind Bogglers from Nori! Which comprised of 2 nails... Intertwined together... Hmm... "Intertwined... Intertwined". Sounds very Catherine yah? Hee hee... Posted by Hello

Changes and adjustments

" The Warrior of Light is terrified when it comes to making important decisions.

'This is too much for you,' says a friend. 'Go on, be brave,' says another. And his doubts grow.

After some days of anxiety, he withdraws to the corner of his tent where he usually sits to meditate and pray. He sees himself in the future. He sees the people who will benefit or be harmed by his attitude. He does not want to cause pointless suffering, nor does he want to abandon the path.

The warrior allows the decision to reveal itself.

If he has to say 'yes', he will have to say it bravely. If he has to say 'no', he will say it without a trace of cowardice."

Pg 68, The Manual of the Warrior of Light
Paulo Coelho

I made my decision...

My answer is YES...

To do one year at La-Salle and get my degree... That is the path I choose. It wasn't easy for me to make this decision... But I am certain at this point in time, it is what I want and I just can't let this slip by... Arrangements have been made with Pam and Moh for me to stop working full-time at MOMO at the end of June, and Donovan had been asked to come in for part-time. School will start in July... And it would be one year before I finish. Hopefully, by then there will be a place for me when I return to the working world.

I feel like a leech or some creeping plant that feeds off the sap of the tree or something... Just when I got started with bringing dough back home... And this had to pop up... And soon I'd be back to that "Allowance" system again. Sigh... It pains me to know that I'd be sucking dough from my parents again... Hopefully, I would be able to find enough time for part-time, so that I can help ease off some of their load.

Don't know why... I've been rather dry with my topics lately... Well...

Talking about dry... This week had been one of the worst ever... It had been dry, hot... Not Warm mind you... HOT! Since the start of the week. Many of the people around me a getting coughs, headaches and fevers... Sigh... Is this a sign of global warming? Hopefully, this dry spell will not last too long... And everyone will be fine soon.

Oh ya! Nori... Thanks for your Nails all the way from London... Just got them from Zaihan on Wednesday.... Well, just in case you were wondering why would Nori send nails all the way back home from UK... They are actually some form of IQ puzzle... Hee... Cute huh... I'd post the pictures later... Yups, I managed to solve them! Hee hee hee...