Monday, June 12, 2006

Durian Party at Fae's | This are not all the durians... We still have one bag full hidden somewhere. Good thing Tiff and Kejun where there to help! Had major tummyache after the party... No thanks to the lethal combination of Laksa, loads of raw salmon, durian and mango cheesecake... Was bedridden for the whole of Sunday... Argh... Feeling better already... Phew! Dee.. Hope your throat feels better already... =) Posted by Picasa

Durian Party at Fae's | The Mango Cheesecake that I did for the party! Yum yum... Posted by Picasa

Durian Party at Fae's | Wan, Zaihan & Dee at the Pre-party warm-up at Sakae-Sushi. We were seated on opposite sides of the convetor belt. We kinda out did ourselves by stuffing our faces full with Jap food, only to realise after Zaihan pointed it out... Dammit... Posted by Picasa

Durian Party at Fae's | Wan and Hwee Tse ( aka Fae ) at the Pre-Party warm-up at Sakae-Sushi. Posted by Picasa