Seaweed & Driftwood...
Was eating seaweed today in the office... kinda got stuck to... Anyway, it seemed that my week till now is revolving around seaweed... The ones you get on sushi, in a pack... in the sea [was in Ubin for a Coastal Clean-up with the SIF folks. Saw the real Attap-chi fruit. Is that how you spell it? ] Then there was Nori... Yup. Our l'il girl just left for UK yesterday in the wee bit of the morning... So after a stay-over at her place over the weekend and a sleepy night at the air-port... and she's gone... For how long... We don't know. But do come back soon Nori ok? And if you are reading this... I'm sorry for the boo-boo... You know what I'm talking about. Won't do that again... I promise... Will miss you loads... Honest... Think I'm really lacking of sleep... I'm starting to drift... Was totally konked out on the cab on the way back from Town... Sigh... Okies, that's it for today... Going to snooze before I drift out on my com... Cheerio.