Wednesday, November 02, 2005

King Yong, Jay, Me and Xin Wei at Gallery Hotel, after our site visit. Posted by Picasa

Jacq ( Aka. Ms What ) trying to look pretty with her cup of tea... Posted by Picasa

Lawrence & Dee... Posted by Picasa

Dee getting high from her slice... Endorphine over-load!!! Posted by Picasa

a slice of the chocolate cake that Dee & Ah Zai baked... But I helped too! Hee... Posted by Picasa

My crazy bunch of cousins at Grandma's B'day at Chili Padi! Think we were high on Otah-otah when we took this pic. Hee... Posted by Picasa

A shot from the GoodRich Designers' Party at DXO last month. Posted by Picasa

Don't know what they are checking out... Anywayz, Dee and Zaihan took pains to bake this cake for Wan... Future baking episodes... Akan datang... Posted by Picasa

Wan + his B'day Cake! Posted by Picasa

One of the tortured souls who totally konked out after the critique. Poor Mariana fell asleep on 2 chairs... She was half-way thru her 'super'-soggy fries, when it happened. You could see the kentang in her hand... It was such a hilarious sight... We were all laughing so hard... and she just slept right through it. Posted by Picasa

Wan trying to be funny... Still haven't figured out what was that black thingy... Hmm... Cracks me up every time I see this picture... Ha ha... Posted by Picasa

Dee looking happy with her slice.. Posted by Picasa

Pizza Party!!! Sham & Zaihan who came over to help with the model that I was building for Final Crit. Woohoo... Stuffed crust! Yummy! Posted by Picasa

My cookie jar and some cracker thingy in it... Wonder where they went to? Hmm... [ Looks over to Pam's place... ] Posted by Picasa