Shen's biscult tin of memories and stuff like that...
Monday, August 09, 2004
38 going on 39...
That's how old our little island is now... I just finished watching the parade on telly. All that razzle-dazzle and ra-ra... Perhaps, I'm on the nostalgic mode... I feel that NDPs for the last few years sort of lost its magic in its run... I remember the days that the parade would travel through the back of Boon Keng Estate [ where I used to stay a long time back... ], and the close proximity of the performers passing by is just so exciting. It truly brings the fun into the neighbourhood... I still remember that some of the neighbours would bring little wooden stools downstairs to sit along the sidewalk... and the children just spread themselves along the curb. There would be people out on the corridors, sharing the view from the blocks behind. It was so different. That make NDP back then so much more unique...
Now? Well actually, it's not too different... The people will still crowd the stadium on the 9th of August... On certain years, it's the Padang over at City Hall. The kids will still be amazed by the jets that soar above the skies... That massive flag drawn by the the heli... and the wonderful pyrotechnic display. In the recent years, we've been able to share the experience on the internet, via real time web-telecasts.
NDP never fails to waken the Singaporean within me... Hee hee...
As the memories flood... I still can recall the time that I've been involved in the parades as one of those ushers during my poly days and more recently... the Goodie bags "distributor" and crowd control personnel cum spectator stand builder... Thanks to NS. It was really fun... But it was alot of hardwork too...
Happy Birthday Singapore. Here's wishing everyone... Peace, Prosperity and Progress for our sunny little island.
And of course... Happy Birthday to Ang Kok Beng [ Maris classmate ], Raymond Goh [BMT section mate] and Miss Tan Bee Juat of Peirce Secondary... You guys are the August 9th babies!
Ok... If anyone is reading this... My wish this year is... to get into SIA and maybe get an Ipod or a digi-cam... [Cross my fingers!] Ok... Going to play warcraft with Ah Neo liaoz... Ciaoz!
Shen out.
Yup, that was the sound that resounded after the fireworks exploded in the air above Marina Bay earlier just now... Tonight, was the 2nd of 3 fireworks displays. However, I felt that the home team did a rather disappointing attempt tonight. Maybe, they are holding out for the National Parade tomorrow evening...
Despite the fact that tonight's pyrotechnic display was under the expectation, it still drew lots of Oohs and Ahhs from the entire Padang full of people [ and Lena included... the rest of the guys: Jason Chee, Jason Neo and Daniel were trapped in Addi's car somewhere along the highway... ], as the shells soared into the night sky... exploded... and filled it with dazzling colours and sparkles... That's the magic of fireworks...
Works always...
After the display ended, we made our way out of town to East Coast Park. But our exit was far from easy. With the crowd that the fireworks drew... Everyone was fighting to get home. The bus was crawling its way out of Suntec City. Any longer and our legs will give way... Honest.
Caught a cab from Katong to East Coast... But our cabbie told us a rather lousy tale that the roads leading to East Coast was packed. Hmm... Anyway, the girls left for a drink at Cabana and I went to Raymond's b'day BBQ at the Funfair. [ Ya see... Raymond, aka Rolex King was my BMT section mate and his family is in the funfair line. ] Had a mad time on the bumper cars [ compliments of Raymond ] with Joey, Yee Hua [ aka Tubbie ] and their girlfriends. Think I got a major blue-black on my knee. Oh ya... Tubb's car blew up... Ha ha... It nearly cooked him.
Made my way home and now here I am putting these all on the net... Ok... Going to shower and snooze... Till my next post.