Pineapple Tarts, Bak Kua & Ang Pows...
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æ�å–œ æ�å–œ æ„¿ç¥�大家
Ok…Enough of the Chinese thingy… Ha ha… Anyway, Happy Lunar New Year! Hope everyone is having a great time this holiday. Hee hee… I’m like totally going crazy over my fav. Pineapple Tarts and Bak Kua… Hmm… Like a certain classmate of mine… This year I’m trying to get more Ang Pows… So that I can get myself an Ipod… Muah Ha Ha Ha… Ha Ha… Ha Ha Ha!!! Just incase, “Beautiful� & Nori is reading… Sheesh ok? We know you got yours a long long time back already ok? Be nice… Hee hee…
Was at Granny’s yesterday, then one of our relatives, then my aunt’s… It’s only 3 places and I’m like totally drained already… [Need more Red-bull please!] Today it’s only my other Grandma’s place… So it’s not too bad hee.. All for my ANG POWs!!! Muah Ha Ha Ha… Ha Ha… Ha Ha Ha!!! Ahem…
Had a l’il round of Mahjong with my aunts and cousin yesterday… Didn’t make much winnings… So got to Win something today! Gambaetae!!!
Okies… Got to go off soon… Hee hee… So that’s it for now… Till then…
Shen OUT!